2. OXO Mini Measuring Cup for Sticky Stuff- Big Sista gifted this little gadget for me on Christmas. It has been so helpful in the kitchen this past month and keeps my fingers clean while measuring out goopey, sticky ingredients more accurately.
3. Elevate App- This free app for Android and iPhone is a series of quick and fun games to help train your brain. Subjects range from speaking, writing, reading, math and listening. I feel myself using parts of my brain that have been collecting cobwebs since high school and am glad to feel a little sharper these days.
4. HBO's Looking- The other HBO show about single millennials but set in San Francisco and focuses on the lives of 3 gay men. Maybe it's because I have a little crush on the lead character or because I will forever be a fruit fly, but I enjoy this show way more than Girls these days.
5. Maltin on Movies Podcast- Now that Serial is over, I'm itching for new podcasts to fill that void. My friend steered me to Maltin on Movies, which targets my love for movies. Veteran movie critic Leonard Maltin is joined by comedian Baron Vaughn as they discuss a theme each week, which revolves around three movies that are either a winner, a turkey or a sleeper.
6. The Great British Baking Show- Now I've only seen one episode today but it was completely entertaining. This PBS program (streaming free on their website) is a reality competition for amateur British bakers. The contestants are pleasantly polite, jolly and lack the frequent American egotistical reality show characters, which has been so refreshing. Can't wait to catch more of these hunger-inducing episodes. (Warning: You'll want to bake or find baked goodies to consume after watching this show).
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