And lo and behold, The Kitchn is providing a cute, printable Thanksgiving-themed coloring page just in time for the holiday.
So with your day off, when you find the time to unwind after cooking, eating and cleaning, this would be a perfect way to do something with friends and family. I can't wait to take out my Prismas and color tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Download and print here
Here are some intense but also some fun coloring books that I've had my eye on:
1. Secret Garden: THE coloring book that started the craze.2. Fantastic Cities: The coloring book I own that has intricate patterns of buildings and cities.
3. Unicorns Are Jerks: Less complicated than the other two adult coloring books and filled with hilarious pictures of unicorns being, well, jerks.
4. Color Me Swoon: The Beefcake Activity Book for Good Color-Inners: Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt ready to be colored? Yes, please! Published in 2013, this may be a little dated in terms of who was beefy then and not beefy now but still this looks amazingly hilarious.
5. Hipster Coloring Book: I'm no hipster, per se, but I do love most hipster items so coloring them seems super entertaining.
On a side note: Maybe I'm a slight perfectionist and a naturally anxious person but the more intricate designs of the Secret Garden-style coloring books add on extra stress rather than relive it (as these books claim to do). Organizing colors in the midst of the complicated design is not zen. I guess I'm a planner not a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-er. So for me, I would prefer a simple illustration to color, a la our childhood coloring books.
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