After a decade, I've finally upgraded my tiny
Cuisinart Mini Chop with a
real grown up food processor! I didn't go too big with a 11+ cup food pro but decided on the 8 cup one since Twin Sista said she never felt like she didn't a humungo one (she has a 9 cup one). My new one feels so luxuriously big since it's a big step up from my old 2.6 cup model.
For it's inaugural run, I decided to process cauliflower since putting cauliflower through my old mini chop was a big headache/mess. To be honest, I ran into a few snafus this time with my new food pro (I ignored the fill line---oops!) so it wasn't as smooth a test run as I'd hope it would be. (Some of the florets wouldn't get chopped since I overfilled the bowl).
Regardless of the little kinks in my first attempt to use my new gadget, the cauliflower was chopped nicely into little rice bits to make
grain free fried rice. I'm not always a fan of cauliflower fried rice but I thought I'd give it a chance---and you really can't go wrong if the recipe includes bacon.
The Recipe: Asian Cauliflower Rice from the Kitchn. It's herby and written for a paleo diet so feel free to sub in soy sauce for the coconut aminos.
But if you want a simple, delicious recipe for cauliflower rice, look to Against All Grain's
Basic Cauliflower Rice.
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