Cupcake Day 2023!

December 15, 2023

I've managed to celebrate National Cupcake Day for the last 12 years since the inception of this blog. I first started by baking them but then I took the easier route of patronizing a different bakery every year. After living in KC for 6 years, I didn't know if there would be enough cupcake bakeries left for me to try but for this seventh year, I went to a vegan/gluten-free bakery nearby called The Littlest Bake Shop
The bakery just moved to a new location after spending a few years in the Brookside neighborhood. I had walked by it a few times but only went to it for the first time today. They had four cupcakes available and I settled on a Chai cupcake. Each cupcake is $4. 
I haven't had too many vegan or gluten-free cupcakes. In all honesty, it felt a little off but that's because it was missing wheat flour, butter and eggs. It was moist but not as fluffy as a gluten-filled cake. The frosting was creamy but was missing that full butter flavor. Having said all that, this was a pretty good cupcake. It had a deliciously spiced cake packed with lots of flavor. It wasn't too sweet and was a delightful treat on this rainy day here in KC. 

The Littlest Bake Shop
5511 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri

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